W113 Tech Session:
Fuel Injection Pumps
Through our specialty tech session you'll gain rare insight and knowledge on Bosch fuel injection pumps from one of just a handful of specialists left in the world.
Spend an afternoon in our pump shop, learn about what we do and why we do it, and see why Black Forest is confident in saying that they have the premier Bosch fuel injection pump shop in the country.

A brief history of injection pump technology leading up to the pumps found on W113 models.​

​Review of W113
injection pump evolution
a) A pumps with oil block and self lubrication
b) B pumps without oil blocking and shared
lubrication with motor
c) Cone delivery valves vs ball valve delivery valves
​Barometric compensator testing and restoration.

​​Electro plating of pump parts: Beauty is more than skin deep.

​Use of dial indicators for pump assembly.

Final assembly and prep for installation.

​Survey of on-car fuel delivery adjustments for various pump models.
Want to get a Fuel Injection Pump Tech Session on the calendar for your group? Send us an email at the link below and we'll contact you with options including date, time, cost and food and beverage offerings.
Our fuel injection pump session will include: